How Many Points is a Touchdown: Scoring Explained

A touchdown is worth six points in football. It is the highest-scoring play in the game.

A touchdown is crucial in American football. Teams aim to score touchdowns to gain a significant lead. This play involves carrying or catching the ball in the opponent’s end zone. Scoring a touchdown not only earns six points but also provides an opportunity for an extra point or a two-point conversion.

These additional points can make a huge difference in a close game. Understanding the value of a touchdown helps fans appreciate the strategies teams use. Coaches and players design plays specifically to achieve this high-scoring goal. The excitement of a touchdown is unmatched, making it a highlight in any football match.

Basics Of Football Scoring

In football, scoring points is the main goal. Teams try to score by crossing the opponent’s goal line. A touchdown is one way to score. It is worth six points. Understanding the basics of football scoring helps enjoy the game more.

Different Ways To Score

Teams can score in different ways in football. Here is a list:

  • Touchdown: Worth six points.
  • Field Goal: Worth three points.
  • Extra Point: After a touchdown, worth one or two points.
  • Safety: Worth two points.

Importance Of Scoring

Scoring points is crucial in football. The team with the most points wins. Touchdowns are the highest-scoring play. They can change the game’s momentum. Knowing how to score helps teams create strategies. It makes the game exciting for fans.

  Scoring Method Points
                                               Touchdown                                          6
                                                Field Goal                                           3
                                             Extra Point (Kick)                                            1
                                             Two-Point Conversion                                            2
                                                 Safety                                            2

Touchdown Points

Understanding touchdown points is key in football. A touchdown is a significant score in the game. Let’s dive into the points awarded and their history.

Standard Points Awarded

A touchdown in football is worth six points. Teams can score additional points after a touchdown. They can kick a field goal for one point. Alternatively, they can attempt a two-point conversion.

Historical Background

Touchdown points have evolved over time. In the early days of football, a touchdown was worth fewer points. Initially, touchdowns were worth four points. Over the years, the value increased to six points.

This change made touchdowns more exciting. It also balanced the scoring system. The addition of extra points came later, enhancing the strategy of the game.

Extra Point Attempts

After a team scores a touchdown, they get a chance for extra points. This moment can change the game’s outcome. Teams have two options: kick for one point or attempt a two-point conversion.

Kicking For One Point

The most common choice is kicking for one point. The team places the ball at the 15-yard line. The kicker tries to send the ball through the goalposts. If successful, the team earns an extra point. This method is simple and often successful.

Here are some quick facts about kicking for one point:

  • Ball placed at the 15-yard line
  • Kicker tries to score through the goalposts
  • Successful kick earns one extra point

Two-point Conversion

The second option is the two-point conversion. This is more challenging but can be very rewarding. The team places the ball at the 2-yard line. They must run or pass the ball into the end zone.

Let’s break down the two-point conversion:

Starting PointGoal                             Points Earned
        2-yard line                              Run or pass into end zone                                                                                               Two points

Teams often use this method in critical moments. It can help catch up or widen the lead.

Key points about two-point conversions:

  • Ball placed at the 2-yard line
  • Run or pass required
  • Successful attempt earns two points

Choosing between these attempts adds strategy to the game. Coaches decide based on the score, time left, and team strengths.

Field Goals

Understanding the point system in football is crucial for fans. A touchdown is worth six points. But what about field goals? Field goals also play a significant role in the game. This section will explore the point value and when to attempt a field goal.

Point Value

A field goal is worth three points. This can be crucial in close games. A successful field goal can turn the tide in your team’s favor. It adds points without needing a touchdown.

Field goals are usually attempted from a distance. The kicker aims to send the ball through the goalposts. This requires skill and precision. The point value may seem small, but it can decide the game’s outcome.

When To Attempt

Teams often attempt field goals in specific situations. Here are some common scenarios:

  • When they are within field goal range.
  • When it is fourth down and far from a first down.
  • In the final seconds of a half or game.
  • When they need to secure a lead.

Field goals are a strategic choice. Coaches decide based on the game’s context. Attempting a field goal can be a safe bet. It ensures points on the board.

Understanding when to attempt a field goal is vital. It can be the difference between winning and losing.

Safety Points

In American football, scoring is diverse and thrilling. One notable scoring method is called Safety Points. This scoring method adds an extra layer of strategy and excitement.

Definition And Value

A safety occurs when the offensive team loses possession of the ball in their own end zone. This results in the opposing team being awarded 2 points. Safeties are rare but impactful, often changing the game’s momentum.

Game Situations

Safeties can happen in various game situations. Below are some common scenarios:

  • A player is tackled in their own end zone.
  • The ball is fumbled out of the end zone.
  • An offensive penalty occurs in the end zone.

Safeties are unique because they also grant possession to the scoring team. After a safety, the team that conceded the points must kick the ball back to the other team.

SituationDescriptionPoints Awarded
                   Tackled in End ZoneThe offensive player is tackled in their own end zone.                  2 Points
                   Fumble Out of End ZoneThe ball goes out of the end zone without possession.                   2 Points
                    Offensive PenaltyA penalty by the offense occurs in their end zone.                    2 Points

Understanding safety points can deepen your appreciation of football. They highlight the importance of field position and defensive strategy.

Comparison With Other Sports

Understanding how points are scored in different sports can be fascinating. Football fans know a touchdown is worth six points. But how does that compare to other sports? Here, we will explore Rugby Scoring and Soccer Scoring to highlight these differences.

Rugby Scoring

Rugby is another sport where scoring is crucial. The primary scoring method is a try. A try is worth five points. After scoring a try, a team can kick for extra points. This kick is called a conversion. A successful conversion adds two points.

Rugby also has other ways to score points. A penalty kick is worth three points. A drop goal is also worth three points. The scoring methods in rugby show a range of points.

Soccer Scoring

Soccer has a simpler scoring system. Each goal is worth one point. There are no extra points for fancy moves. A game can end with just one goal deciding the winner.

Soccer scoring is straightforward compared to other sports. The team with the most goals wins the game.

 Sport                                                                                         Scoring MethodPoints
Football                                                                                                                                                                              Touchdown      6
Rugby                                                                                                                                                                                Try       5
Rugby                                                                                                                                                                               Conversion       2
Rugby                                                                                                                                                                            penalty Kick        3
Rugby                                                                                                                                                                                Drop Goal        3
Soccer                                                                                                                                                                                   Goal         1

Strategic Considerations

Understanding the strategic considerations of how many points a touchdown is can greatly impact a football game. Coaches and players use various tactics to maximize their score. This can ultimately decide the game’s outcome. Let’s dive into some key strategies.

Choosing Extra Points

After scoring a touchdown, a team has two choices:

  • Extra Point Kick: Worth 1 point, this is a safer option.
  • Two-Point Conversion: Worth 2 points, this is riskier.

Teams often choose based on game context. If they need a single point to tie or lead, they opt for the extra point kick. In contrast, if they need two points to catch up, they go for the two-point conversion.

                                                                                                            Leading by 1-5 points                    Extra Point Kick
                                                                                                             Trailing by 1-2 points                 Two-Point Conversion

Impact On Game Outcomes

Deciding between an extra point kick and a two-point conversion can change the game’s outcome. This decision affects the team’s overall strategy.

For example, a successful two-point conversion can put a team ahead by a narrow margin. This may force the opposing team to take risks. On the other hand, missing a two-point conversion can give the opponent an advantage.

Here’s a simple breakdown:

  1. A successful extra point kick secures 1 point.
  2. A successful two-point conversion secures 2 points.
  3. Failure to convert results in no additional points.

Thus, the choice between extra points and conversions is crucial. It demands careful consideration of the game’s current status.

Memorable Scoring Moments

Football fans love memorable scoring moments. These moments make touchdowns special. A touchdown is worth six points. Let’s dive into some historic touchdowns and record-breaking plays.

Historic Touchdowns

Historic touchdowns often change the game. One famous example is the “Immaculate Reception.” Franco Harris caught the ball in 1972. This play helped the Steelers win the game.

Another memorable touchdown is the “Music City Miracle.” The Tennessee Titans executed a perfect lateral pass in 2000. Kevin Dyson ran for a game-winning touchdown.

Record-breaking Plays

Record-breaking plays leave fans in awe. Jerry Rice holds the record for the most career touchdowns. He scored 208 touchdowns in his career.

Another record-breaking moment is Devin Hester’s punt return. Hester returned a punt for a touchdown in 2007. This was his 14th special teams touchdown, setting an NFL record.

      Jerry Rice                                                                                                     Most Career Touchdowns      2004
      Devin Hester                                                                                                     Most Special Teams Touchdowns     2007

These scoring moments are unforgettable. They show the excitement of football. Every touchdown is a chance to make history.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is A Touchdown 6 Or 7 Points?

A touchdown is worth 6 points. Teams can earn an extra point by kicking a field goal, making it 7.

Is A Touchdown 10 Points?

No, a touchdown is not 10 points. In American football, a touchdown is worth 6 points.

How Many Points Is A Field Goal?

A field goal is worth three points in football. It is scored by kicking the ball through the opponent’s goalposts.

How Do You Score 2 Points In The Nfl?

A team scores 2 points in the NFL with a safety. This occurs when the opposing team is tackled in their own end zone.


Understanding the points awarded for a touchdown is crucial for any football fan. A touchdown scores six points, creating excitement and strategy in the game. Next time you watch a game, you’ll appreciate the significance of each touchdown. Stay tuned for more insights into the world of football.

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